Friday 15 July 2011

FO Friday: Weaving with Waffles

When I started my attempt at Year of Projects, I made the Waffle Weave hug (that is the photo from the book, hear the story on Sunday!), I enjoyed knitting it so much I decided to make myself another. When half way through, I came up with the idea that instead of making it a Mug Hug, why don't I just sew up the sides and call it a phone cover? 

The pattern is made by slipping stitches, and once you get the hang of it, it is oodles of fun! Does get a little messy because you are knitting with two balls of yarn, but as long as you don't get the yarn caught around your feet and fall flat on your face like I did, everything is fine! 

My second FO for this week, is a bit of surprise actually. To both me and you. I started this project waaaaay back, like two days ago. That's right, I finished my Bright and Bold Cable Bag!! 

I loved, loved, loved making this bag. I used Sugar 'N Cream Stripes: Modern, and it was an absolute dream to work with. It was lovely to have soft cotton running through my fingers, rather than the rough acrylic I'm used to. It pooled beautifully, not completely perfect but almost. Even the handles looked great, despite being in different colours (although in my opinion it adds some handmade charm). It knitted up really quickly, was easy to sew up (and that is by my standards, so for you it would be a breeze) and looks great! (Again, in my opinion!)

I am definitely going to make a mini one for my niece in Sugar N Cream Stripes: Pinky, another item to add to her ever growing goodie bag! (Which I really must get a start on, I only have a month now to get that all done!)

In other, not so big yet incredibly boring, news I had my 50th post yesterday! I'm also 3 followers away from hitting the big 60! Chuffed? I think so.

So now, while I go and take the Pizza out of the oven and completely stuff my face, head on over to Tami's place for some Linky Party fun! 

9 thoughts:

  1. Wow, super speedy knitting on that bag! I like that the handles are different colours, it looks deliberate and cute ;)

  2. that bag will look so cute in the pink.

  3. Congrats on the bag! I can't believe how quick that was, well done!

  4. Two lovely FOs there, great work :) Hope you get your 60 followers soon.

  5. Wow your bag is stunning!

    And two FO's in one week, way to go!

  6. I can't believe how quickly you finished the bag! It came out great!

  7. The bag looks great, look at my post and you'll see we both have a FO post with the same yarn. lol

  8. Good thinking - a cell phone cozy. Considering how many times I drop my phone, I should add that to my queue immediately.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a lovely, yarn filled day :D

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