Tuesday 29 March 2011

Knitting & Crochet Blogging Week 2011 - Day Two: Skill + 1UP

The aim of today's blog post is to look back over the past knitting year, and see how many projects I have completed,what new skills I have learnt etc. Here is the snag. I've only been knitting for 2 months. So that'll just have to do.

When I first started knitting, I couldn't even put the needle through the wool to make a stitch, a lot of wool later though, I can happily cast on, cast off, knit, increase, decrease, stripe, darn and follow a simple pattern. I also learnt how to put my wool into balls, which means my yarn no longer gets tangled.

This is what my knitting looked like when I started:

And this is my knitting now.

Baby Bootie from Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner

iPod Touch T-Shirt Sock from Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner

In the first project (which is meant to be a knitted square...) I was learning how to garter stitch (knit every row) without messing up. As you can see, I didn't do the best job.

On projects two and three, I learnt how to increase and decrease and how to darn up (or sew up, which ever term you prefer) my knitting.

My next project is a Baby Hat, in which I will learn how to Pearl and 1x1 rib (Knit 1 stitch, Pearl 1 stitch), which I am very excited about. I will keep you posted on my progress.

1 thoughts:

  1. Your first square looks a lot like mine did. :) I think you should frame it and hang it on the wall, so you've always got a reminder of how much your skill's improved!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a lovely, yarn filled day :D

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