Thursday 31 March 2011

Knitting & Crochet Blogging Week 2011 - Day Four: Where Are They Now?

About two weeks ago, I knitted a bookmark for my best friend. When I had it finished, I thought I was such a clever so-and-so, as I had created the bookmark without a pattern, and even had some yellow/white striping going on.

But when I look back, was I really that clever?


First of all, I used 4mm needles, so the bookmark was thick, I also used double knit yarn which probably didn't help. Second, I didn't weave in the ends, I tied knots so they would hold and snipped of the ends.

WHAT was I thinking?!

All I can say is sorry to my friend, and I promise to buy smaller needles and thinner wool, and knit you up a replacement! (And I will weave in the ends this time... yeah, sorry about that)

According to the Knitting & Crochet Blogging Week 2011 schedule, April 1st is "an experimental blogging day to try and push your creativity in blogging to the same level that you perhaps push your creativity in the items you create."

Only one word can sum up my reaction. Help.

4 thoughts:

  1. I'm notorious for making things without a pattern (or at least following a pattern until I get tired of counting stitches!). When it comes to giving handmade gifts, I've found that it's more the thought that counts than accuracy or anything else-- so many afghans I've made that aren't straight or scarves that I knew I've screwed up that my friends and family almost 'fight' over to claim... :)

  2. I agree with Samantha - its the thought that counts.

    And for Day 5, me to help....

  3. I am sure we have all made something for friends or family members with love that in hindsight we wish we had done a better job- but I bet your friend loves it anyway :d

  4. Yes dude I do love it and there's nothing wrong with it! It's AMAZING! xD hehe. Keep up the good work, I think I might try to learn to knit too! xD xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a lovely, yarn filled day :D

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