Friday, 30 November 2012

Hello, Sailor!

I took a break from blanket knitting, and decided to have a go at some baby clothes. I've been wanting to attempt the Seamless Yoked Baby Sweater, but I've been too scared. I decided to be a coward and knit something brainlessly simple, and that pattern came in the form of the Super Simple Baby Tunic by Little Gunn.

I had some yarn leftover from the Royal Blue stripe of the Seven Seas Blanket, but I knew it wouldn't be enough for the pattern, so chose to do stripes using Stylecraft Special Double Knit in White.

With the Tunic you have a choice of knitting in the round, or knitting flat. As I only had straight needles with me at the time, I had to knit flat, although if you try this pattern I urge you to do it in the round!

For the striping, I copied luvabby's project. If you want to give it a go, I've included the instructions on my project page.

The project was really simple, and I enjoyed knitting it. As I didn't have much yarn, I knitted the 0-6 month size, I would have loved to do ages 1-2, for my niece Daisy, but unfortunately the pattern doesn't have those sizes. So, it looks like I will have to design one! :D My new book, 400 Knitting Stitches: A Complete Dictionary of Essential Stitch Patterns by Potter Craft, has arrived, so over the weekend I shall be putting it to good use, coming up with a new tunic pattern.

Once it was all sown up, and the buttons had been attached, I thought that it was missing a little... something. So, sticking with my Sailor theme, I decided to duplicate stitch an anchor onto the front panel of the tunic. I used this chart for the anchor, and this tutorial for learning duplicate stitch (insanely simple once you get the hang of it).

After all this work, I ended up with a piece of knitting I'm pleased with!

This little tunic has nowhere to go at present, so I'm going to pop it into my gift box. If you'd like to check out more finished projects, head on over to Tami's

I know I've not blogged very much this month, things have been crazy at home, but during the month of December I'm going to be taking part in #reverb12. I managed to take part in Kat's last blog-a-long during October, so I'm hoping to be able to blog daily again during next month! So don't forget to come back tomorrow for the kickstart of this month of remembrance!

Monday, 26 November 2012

An Embarrassed Knitter

This afternoon I was inspired by Sarah's latest instagram photo to share with you my 'most worn knits'. Unfortunately, out of all the knits I've made for myself (a huge grand total of five!) I only ever wear one on a regular basis. Which is A Very Braidy Cowl, that I finished last month. The reason that I don't wear my other knits could be because my Origami Falls Cowl & Horseshoe Lace Cowl need blocking, the Age of Brass & Steam Kerchief isn't yet off the needles, and my Emanelle gloves need to be re-sown (very long story), but I think this goes a lot deeper than that.

I'm embarrassed. 

My first pair of socks have so much wrong with them!
I should have blocked them, grafted the toe
better, the list goes on!
I get very embarrassed when people praise my knitting, because it is never as good as they make it out to be. My knitting isn't "beautiful", "gorgeous", or "perfect". When I think of beautiful, perfect knitting I think of Stephanie Pearl-McpheeThe Rainey Sisters, or Mimi Hill. My knitting is no way near as good as there's, and I doubt it ever will be. So, when people give such praise to my creations I stand there & squirm, saying: "oh, thank you, that's very kind", while the million things that are wrong with it flood into my head. 

This is also why I hesitate to give knitted gifts. I'm more than happy to knit them, it is the giving that I have problems with. Because I know that I am going to have to stand there and watch them tear open the wrapping paper, and slowly draw their gift out. I stand there, watching them turn their gift over and over in their hands, and I suddenly see everything that is wrong with it.

For example, I went to my eldest sister's house for tea one evening, and I brought with me a parcel of knitty goodies for her youngest daughter, Daisy (who was 6 months old at the time). As Sara lifted the cardigan out of the wrapping paper, I suddenly noticed how badly I'd picked up and knitted the collar, and seen the horror that was my sewing (the arms would have sent evil shivers down your spine). I just wanted to run across the room and snatch it out of Sara's hands and bury it away.

Jacket with Moss Stitch Bands - My first ever attempt
at a cardigan. 
My Mother has tried her hardest, bless her, to make me see that my knitting isn't as bad as I make it out to be. One day I was getting nervous about giving my best friend, Molly, the lace scarf & mittens I'd made for her. Mother said to me: "Look Charly, if I had knitted those for you, what would you have said?" I replied: "I'd have asked were you'd bought them, because you don't knit." It did make me think though, that I need to stop putting myself down all the time. If someone had taken the time to make me something from scratch, I wouldn't say the things I say about my own work. 

So I've come to the conclusion that unless I stop knitting, I'm going to have to get used to the idea of my work being praised. I shall have to stand there, red as a beetroot, and accept the fact that they think it is beautiful and perfect, even if it isn't in my eyes. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Oh, look! Something Sparkly...

I'm sorry I've been away, life happened. I am back now though, and I have a new project to share with you!

I've had The Age of Brass and Steam Kerchief in my Ravelry queue ever since I saw Tami's project way back in June '11. I've been dying to knit it, but could never find the perfect yarn for the project. On Friday, the perfect yarn finally came along.

Branching Out Scarf
Click picture to enlarge
It came in the form of King Cole - Galaxy, in the Venus colourway. I originally used it to knit the Branching Out scarf by Susan Lawrence. For several different reasons (which I won't go into), I ended up frogging it. So, I was left with two gorgeous skeins of sparkly yarn that I had idea what to do with. It wasn't until I spoke to Sarah (from Crafts from the Cwtch) about the next Shawl KAL that I got the idea to knit the long awaited Age of Brass & Steam Kerchief.

I enjoyed learning the Garter Tab technique, it looked scary at first but I used this brilliant photo tutorial and it all made sense! I also learnt how to make one left, and make one right. So, despite it being an incredibly simple pattern, I still managed to learn three new techniques.

I'm about 70% through now, but it's looking smaller than it should be so I'm going to add another three or four sections to make it larger. I'm really happy with how its looking, and it will be mine once I'm finished - hooray! I'm starting to get the hang of making things for myself (I now have a total of 5 knits, just for me!), and I'm starting to plan projects for me, for a change, so that is progress! :)

I have noticed since knitting this shawlette, that I'm getting a little sparkles obsessed...

Yarn, knitting (I also have to sparkly beanies I didn't show you), hair clips, make-up, nail polish, bangles. Sparkles everywhere!!
Click the picture to find more YOP posts for this week! :)

Friday, 9 November 2012

Zarah's Cotton Candy Swirl Set

Quite a late update from me today, but I've finally been able to steal away some time to show you all this weeks FOs!

So, this week is all about the baby knit. I've not only been knitting them, I've been thinking up new designs too, which I can't wait to work on. Due to me being very up and down with my M.E this week, I've been working on very simple knits. My first project was the Basic Baby Hat by Heather Tucker. Now, this pattern calls for DK yarn & 4mm needles, but as my friend has just had a baby girl I decided to use my leftovers of Yummy Worsted in Cotton Candy Swirl by (the awesome) Candy Skein. As I was using worsted I dropped to 3.75mm needles, although in retrospect perhaps I should have used  3.5mm DPNs.

The project was lovely and simple, and the pattern was perfect :) I knitted the newborn size, although I believe it is more towards the 6 month size. Enough chat though, here it is!

I love the starfish decrease!

I thought I'd give baby Zarah a pair of mittens as well, so I chose the pattern Fast Baby Mittens by Lucy H. Lee. I used some pink DK Rizzle found in the bottom of her drawer, I am hazarding a guess that it is Stylecraft Special DK in Fondant, but don't hold me to that. The mittens didn't knit up as fast as I'd like, but that might be due to the fact I was knitting at a snail's pace. When I did finish though, I added an i-cord to keep them both together.

Next time I knit this pattern (and I will I assure you) I will make a longer i-cord, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing! :)

I've set aside baby Jack's footie set the moment, as my Knit Pro Spectra Flair tips arrived today so I am finaaaaaaaaaally able to get some work on the Seven Seas Blanket. But I will be taking the hat with me when I go away next weekend (allll by myself - so excited!) so I should get it finished then! :)

For now though, head on over to Tami's to check out more FOs for this week! I hope you all have a lovely weekend x

Thursday, 8 November 2012

WIP Wednesday, on a Thursday?!

I didn't get chance to blog yesterday due to things happening at home, so today I'm going to share with you my rather late WIP Wednesday post :)

I've been getting problem after problem with my Seven Seas Blanket. First, I felt as if I was going to drown in Moss Stitch. Second, my brand new circular needle snapped. And if that wasn't enough, I went and ordered the wrong cable for my interchangeable needles.

Last year my Nan very kindly gave me her Addi Click Lace interchangeable needle set, as she never used them now she had the Knit Pro Symfonie Wood interchangeable needle set. So when my cable needle broke, I decided to just buy a single cable for my interchangeable needle set, as then I could use them with any of my tips in the future. I didn't check which set I owned until after the cable arrived, which was a really stupid thing to do. I'd only gone and ordered a Knit Pro cable rather than an Addi one! I let out a long UUUUUGHBLAAAAAAH! and looked on the Meadow Yarn website to see if I could exchange the cable.

Turns out you can't buy a 150cm cable for Addi sets (on that particular website anyway, I didn't bother to check anywhere else). So, I decided to see how much the Knit Pro 4mm tips I needed for my cable, would cost. You can buy the Knit Pro Spectra Flair Acrylic tips (4mm)  for £2.50! The coolest part is they come in a funky colour - bright pink! (although in the picture they look purple) I made the decision to buy the Knit Pro tips, as I can slowly build up my own set over time.

As I've been put on bed rest I chose 2nd class delivery, so that I wouldn't have the temptation of working on the blanket. The tips should be here sometime tomorrow, and by then I should be well enough to get a decent amount of work done on the blanket.

Meanwhile I have been whipping up baby knits! You all know too well that I have mini-obsessions, and at the moment it is in the form of ickle baby knits. I've knitted a simple hat, a pair of fast mittens (complete with i-cord), and I am now working on a cabled hat!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just have a desire to work with a particular colour. After I saw Susan's Sweet Dreams Shawl, I have been dieing to knit a black project. I didn't have enough black yarn to make an awesome shawl, or cardigan. I just had enough for a small project, so I decided to combine my current mini-obsession with my black desire, and make a black baby hat.

I chose to knit the hat from the Cabled Baby Hat & Mittens set by Paulina Chin, as it looked like a fun, quick project. I felt that an all-black hat would be too much, so I made the brim white, just to lighten it all up a bit.

Adding the stripe of white was a bit of a silly idea, as the colour change is really messy, but other than that I quite like how it is turning out! When the hat is finished I'll also make the matching mittens! I'm naming my project Footie Set, as the colours remind me of a football (soccer ball) :)

I should finish this today, so remember to come on by tomorrow for FO Friday, where I should have 3 FOs to share with you! :D

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Oh, Bother

Yesterday I showed you the beginning of the Seven Seas Blanket, and last night I finally started to get into it. Typically, just as I get into something, it goes wrong. I was happily knitting away, supping my wine, when I noticed the stitches weren't moving. I looked closer and realised the cable had almost snapped, just hanging on by a small piece of plastic!

Not really knowing what to do (only ever broken 2 straight needles), I wrapped it in sellotape, hoping that it would hold up. It did, for a little while. The moment I put weight on it though, it snapped completely...

I posted a photograph on Instagram, and here are the comments...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was a little annoyed! I'll have to email the seller on eBay & ask for a refund, as they shouldn't be bust within a few hours of using them.

Mother is going to Launceston tomorrow so I rang up the yarn shop there to see if they have the needle I needed, unfortunately they didn't so it meant another look on the internet. I found what I wanted on Loops, but they were going to charger over £3 for delivery! Which is too expensive, so I was forced to look elsewhere. It then dawned on me that I had an Knit Pro interchangeable needle set my Nan gave me! Don't know why I didn't think of it before! 

So, I have ordered a 150cm cable from Meadow Yarn. Postage was a good price, and looking around the shop they seem to have a lot of lovely things! I've always wanted a skein of Zauberball in Coconuts, it has a big yardage and would make an awesome shawl, or a couple of pair of socks!

So, the cable will be here tomorrow (hopefully, I paid for 1st class, but it could be like my Deramores order and take a few days). Meanwhile, I think I'll work on the Cotton Candy Baby Hat for little Zarah, my friend's new baby :)

I'm using leftovers of my Yummy Worsted in Cotton Candy Swirl, by Candy Skein. It won't take me long to finish, so I might whip up a hat for my friend's daughter, Isabelle, using the same pattern as Daisy's hat.

Pop back tomorrow for WIP Wednesday, hopefully I'll be able to show you some progress on the Seven Seas Blanket :)

Monday, 5 November 2012

Setting Sail on my Seven Seas Blanket

Yesterday afternoon I opened the front door to find a squishy parcel on my wet doorstep. Seems that my Deramores order was misdelivered to one of my neighbours, and they kindly brought to its rightful home.

I've been so excited about starting this project, even though I know that it will slowly kill me. For those who haven't been following the blog the past few days, here is what I'm planning...

Mother asked for a double-sized Hit the Road Blanket, using colours from her award-winning painting that hangs in our living room.

Each stripe will be separated with a shade of Lilac, as that is the colour of the swimming costume by cousin is wearing in the painting.

The first stripe will be in Royal Blue (James C. Brett Top Value DK), then there will be a dark purple stripe (James C.Brett Top Value DK), after that there will be a stripe of Berry (Patons Wool Blend DK), followed by the Pot Pourri stripe (King Cole Big Value DK). We then move onto the blue shades, which will be: Turquoise (James C. Brett Top Value DK), followed by Ocean (King Cole Big Value DK), and finally we will have a stripe of Kingfisher (King Cole Big Value DK)! Basically, this is what it will look like...

Working from left to right! (starting with the Royal Blue, and ending on Kingfisher)
I had to buy a special 120cm 4mm circular needle from eBay. I could have done with the 150cm, but unfortunately the only 150 I could find was £14, and I wasn't paying that much for one needle. So, I shall have to squeeze all my stitches on the 120cm, it'll be tight but I'm sure I can do it :)

I was poised, and ready to go... I have my pattern, needle, yarn and a packet of wine gums ready in my knitting bag (which I want to decorate with pin buttons, as the fabric isn't one I particularly like).

I was knitting a basic baby hat before the yarn arrived, but I decided to put that to one side as I was dieing to cast this blanket on. Just before the start of the Strictly Come Dancing results, I casted on and started knitting. Casting on took a while as I kept obsessively counting the stitches, finally though I did start knitting.

I'm on row 12 row, making me exactly a 1/5 of the way through the first stripe. I've always been dreadfully slow at 1x1 rib & moss stitch, so each 358 st row is taking me about 20 minutes to knit. I can't wait until I can move onto the stocking stitch part of the blanket, unfortunately though, by my calculations that is 15 hours of knitting time away.

As you can see I'm struggling to keep
all the stitches on the needles!
If this blanket does kill me, and I'm sure it will, I hope you've all enjoyed reading the blog over these past 19 months. And you will all be happy in the knowledge that it was a slow, happy death, right up to the last.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Squishy, Squishy Cables

Can't believe Sunday has come by again! Well, this week I have two projects to show you, so lets get started :)

When I added my Swirling Gauntlets project onto my YOP list, I didn't think I'd ever get round (also translated: "be bothered") to finish them. Amazingly, though, I did finish them!!

Left Gauntlet
Swirling Gauntlets is a cabled fingerless gloves pattern by Susanna IC (zuzusus on Ravelry). Rizzle asked for a pair in Dark Blue, so I chose to knit them with James C. Brett Top Value DK in Royal Blue. I knitted the left gauntlet up very quickly, but things started to go badly wrong on the cable section of the right gauntlet, and that is how they came to be a hidden WIP.

Fast forward 9 months and here we are. A couple of days ago, when I had nothing to knit, I decided it was time to stop procrastinating and just get them finished! I had to completely frog the right gauntlet as there was no way I could work out where I had started to go wrong. After a lot of squash, wine gums and a few episodes of Larkrise to Candleford (I'm slowly working my way through the series, onto series 4 now!) the right gauntlet was finished.

Right Gauntlet
So, that's my fifth finished YOP project! I'm pretty pleased with that :)

Now, onto the best knit, A Very Braidy Cowl by Maryse Roudier. I fell in love with this cowl at the first glance. What was even better was that I had the perfect yarn for it - Lion Cashmere Blend by Lion Brand in Dusty Blue. Michelle was having a stash clearout (cannot understand how people do that!) and very kindly gave me four skeins of this delicious yarn. I used one skein for Mother's Irish Hiking Armwarmers, so that left me with three squishy skeins. 

I knitted this squishy cowl over the course of a day, and I can tell you it was such a fun knit. I decided not to do the provisional cast on, and then graft the two ends. Instead I decided to seam it, next time though I will give the grafting a try. 

All I can say is that this my favourite ever knit. Yes, I was proud of my first pair of socks, and I'm rather jealous of Abby's Blanket, but this Braidy Cowl beats them all. 

The cashmere makes it incredibly soft,and the merino makes it lovely and work, basically it's the perfect neck cuddler (cowl). 

And for a change, here I am modeling my knits rather than Rizzle! 

Yarn is darker than in this and the following photograph

So, that wraps up this weeks post. The yarn for Mother's Seven Seas blanket arrived this afternoon (think it got misdelivered to one of my neighbours at first), so come back tomorrow to see my yarn choices :)

Toodlepip! x

For more Year of Projects posts, either head on over to the Come Blog-a-Long group on Ravelry, or search 'YOP1213' on Google.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Black Horse & the Cherry Tree

I've had the Swirl Hat by Mandie Harrington in my queue for well over a year now, so when I was compiling my Year of Projects list for this year, I decided that it was finally time to knit the Swirl Hat and added it to the list.

I'd ordered the yarn for Mother's humongous blanket/throw thing that will eat me alive, on Wednesday evening, so as usual I was expecting it to be sent the next day and I'd receive it sometime on Friday (because the only option is First Class on Deramores, so you expect First Class delivery)... but it never turned up. The needles that I'd ordered from eBay, had arrived, just no yarn. So last night I was without a project, and you know I can never sit still without my knitting, as a result I decided to cast on a small project, and that small project was the Swirl Hat.

I'd already made my eldest niece, Tilly, a fair isle hat for this winter, which left her little sister, Daisy, without one. I didn't like the idea of knitting this in one colour, as I thought it would fall quite flat and feel one dimensional. So for this particular knit, I knew I wanted to be rather daring with my colour choices, which meant that pastels were completely out of the question. A quick hunt through my stash produced a ball of black DK. Now, I rarely ever see black used in baby knits, which made it quite a risk, but one I was willing to take. I decided to team it up with Raspberry Special DK (which seems like a never-ending skein of yarn!).

I knitted the 2x2 rib brim in black, and the body of the hat in Raspberry. The body of the hat only consists of  a one row repeat, making it a quick knit! When I was finished it felt as if it needed a little extra something, so I had a look through previous projects of the Swirl Hat and came across ashleybobbi who added a bow to her's. I stole the idea and whipped up a bow in black, to match the rim of the hat.

Without further ado, here is Daisy's Swirl Hat!

The colours for this hat remind me of the song, Black Horse & the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall, so that is why both the project and post have a rather strange title!

I have put the directions for the bow on my Ravelry project page, if you are interested :)

That's another YOP project ticked off the list, wahoo! Come back tomorrow for not one, but two more finished YOP knits :D 

If you want to find out more about Year of Projects, head on over to the Ravelry group, Come Blog-a-Long, where I am a moderator :) There you can also find more finished projects, but if you're not on Ravelry type YOP1213 into Google to find YOP blog posts :D

Friday, 2 November 2012

2 New Patterns & a Scent Pillow!

This week I have not one, not two, but three FOs to share with you! Lets get started...

My first FO is the Doodle Mitts I designed for Rizzle. This design was done completely at random, when I casted on I had no idea what I was going to make and by the end I had a cable mitten.

Rizzle loves the new design, and I'm pleased someone does as I'm not a big fan of them myself. I released the design earlier this morning, so head on over to the Ravelry Pattern page to find more about these mittens!

My second pattern is a hair band entitled 'Twisted Sister'. I was completely stuck for pattern names, but Thea, from Lady Bug Hill Farm blog, managed to save the day! Thank you again Thea :)

Twisted Sister is a simple 4 row cable pattern... without the need for cable needles! The eyelet cables are made by slipping and passing over stitches. Making it a great pattern if you're new to knitting! Head on over to the Ravelry pattern page to get hold of the free pattern!

Me modelling 'Twisted Sister'.
Late last year, when I was still in the process of being a beginner, I knitted a scent pillow from the book Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner by Aneeta Patel. I put it in my knitting basket, then another year zooms by and and it is still sat there, unfinished. I was clearing out my knitting bags and baskets when I came across it, and decided it was time to finally finish it! 

I sewed up the sides, then stuffed it with toy stuffing. I then soaked the stuffing in Lavender drops (really didn't mean to put that much lavender in there!) and finished sewing up the little pillow. 

Sewing up the scent pillow gave me a new pattern design, if the idea worked it would mean the scent pillow wouldn't need sewing up. So, I hope it does! 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Twisted Sister

Twisted Sister
Charly Dunning


80 yards of Stylecraft Special Double Knit in Pale Rose colourway
4mm straight needles


K - Knit
P - Purl
SL1-Purlwise - Slip one Stitch Purlwise
PSSO - Pass Slipped Stitch Over
YO - Yarn Over


Cast on 17 stitches

Row 1: P2, *SL1-Purlwise, K2, PSSO, P2; repeat from * until end of row
Row 2: K2, *P1, YO, P1, K2; repeat from * until end of row
Row 3: P2, *K3, P2; repeat from * until end of row
Row 4: K2, *P3, K2; repeat from * until end of row

Repeat rows 1-4 until band measures 49cm from beginning, or desired length. Finish on row one, then cast off in pattern (by this I mean Knit the knits and Purl the purls). Sew ends of band together, then weave in those scraggly yarn ends!

© Charlotte Dunning - for personal use only

Friday, 2 November 2012

Doodle Mitts

Doodle Mitts
Charlotte Dunning


120 yards of Double Knit Yarn
4mm needles


P2tog - Purl two stitches together
Sl - Slip
Cn - Cable Needle

Directions: (Make two)

Cast on 38sts, leaving a long tail for sewing up

R1: K2, *P2, K2; repeat from * until end of row.
R2: P2, *K2, P2; repeat from * until end of row.

Repeat these 2 rows a following two times.

R1: Knit
R2: P7, *P5, YO, P2tog; repeat from * until 3sts remain, P3
R3: Knit
R4: repeat row 2
R5: Knit
R6: repeat row 2
R7: Knit
R8: repeat row 2
R9: Knit
R10: Purl
R11: K5, *Sl 2sts to cn & hold to front, k2, k2 from cn, k3; repeat from * until 5sts remain, k5.
R12: Purl
R13: Knit
R14: Purl
R15: K5, *Sl 2sts to cn & hold to back, k2, k2 from cn, k3; repeat from * until 5sts remain, k5.
R16: Purl
R17: Knit

repeat rows 10-17 twice more.

R1: K2, *P2, K2; repeat from * until end of row.
R2: P2, *K2, P2; repeat from * until end of row.

repeat rows 1-2 once more
repeat row 1

Cast off leaving a long tail.

Sew up sides leaving a hole for thumb, weave in ends!

© Charlotte Dunning, for personal use only.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

A Letter to Faye

Dear Faye,

No, Mother doesn't knit... she knows the basics, but her knitting is so unique to the world's, she manages to do things to her knitting that I didn't even think were possible (and not in a good way). So, it is best for my mental health (having to sort out her knitting is a real exercise) if she leaves the knitting to me.

"Natalie" won two awards, the Singer & Friedlander 'Second Prize'
in the Adult Category, & also the 'Public Vote' (in 2003 on the Isle of Man)
It was also exhibited in 2004 at the 'Not the Turner Prize' exhibition
in the Mall Galleries, London
She is an artist, though, so is brilliant with colour. One of her paintings, "Natalie", inspired the colours for the blanket she has commissioned me to make for the house (using the Hit the Road pattern that she saw me sending to you, she liked it so much she wanted one herself).

The blanket will actually become a throw, and will be a mammoth project. Each stripe will be a different colour, as we're doing a sort of purple/blue ombre. We start with a Blackberry colour, and work through the different shades of purple (darkest to lightest) then onto the shades of blue ( from lightest to darkest) and I'll end on a Royal Blue stripe.

Yarn should arrive tomorrow, and needles either Saturday or Monday (I had to buy a 120cm circular needle from eBay to accommodate all the stitches, although I think it is going to be a tight squeeze). I'm really looking forward to casting on, as I love the Hit the Road pattern, I've already made two!

I've been trying to finish my current WIPs so that I can just concentrate on the blanket, as I don't want it to end up getting distracted and have it lying around for months waiting for me to finish it. Today I managed to finish Rizzle's Swirling Gauntlets, and the scent pillow I knitted for her. So, that's two WIPs out of the way. I would love to finish Sara's socks over the weekend, but I doubt very much if that will happen, I'll probably be too busy casting on and off the Scallop Lace Hat that has been hiding in my Year of Projects list.

Well, I better finish here...

All the best,


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