Wednesday 6 April 2011

WIP Wednesday: I Never Liked Green

For all those asking, What on earth is WIP Wednesday?

Work-In-Progress Wednesday was an idea started by Tami Klockau. The idea behind this, is that every wednesday knitters and crocheters from all round the world blog about their current works in progress. Using Mr Linky, people can post links to their WIP post which will bring traffic to everyone's blogs. The main Mr Linky will be kept here at Tami Klockau's blog, but I will also have one at the bottom of my post for you all to share your posts for the day :)

And on with the blog!

Last week I bought three lovely balls of double knit wool, one in purple, one in torquise and another in spring green. With the purple, I am planning to make a set of baby items for my soon to be niece or nephew, with the torquise I planned to make myself Phone and iPod covers (although this soon went out the window and I found myself knitting more baby clothes), the green however I have no plan for. I only bought it in the store because I liked the colour. When I buy new wool I put it into balls, as it saves on space and it doesn't get tangled. Normally I have no problems with creating these wonderful balls of wool but with this Spring Green I have had real troubles.

Maybe it's because I purchased it just because I liked the colour. Maybe for the reason it hates me as it knows it will sit in my knitting bag for months, just waiting to be made into something wonderful. Whatever the reason, I don't think it needed to come to this.

As you can see, both wool ends were coming out of the middle of the ball, instead of just one in the middle and the other on the outside. Which meant when I tried to wind it into a ball, it just turned into a horrible green mess. I've spent over 2 hour untangling and I'm still not finished.


Sorry about my ranting, I just needed to get that one off my chest. Have any of you ever experienced something like this? Oh and have you any idea what I could use the wool for? (If I ever get it untangled of course!)

Well, back to WIP.

As I said previously, I decided to use my beautiful torquise yarn into baby items. I have chosen to make baby booties (this time in 4mm needles, so they won't come out man-size) and a pair of mittens! This is where I am thus far:

Doesn't the bootie look gorgeous? I personally want a pair of slippers in that colour!
And here are the mittens:

As you can see, I finally taught myself to Pearl! I also taught myself to Rib and Moss, which now means I am the most skilled knitter in our household! (Sorry Mum!)
I'm hoping to have the booties and at least one of the mittens done by Friday!

Well that's my WIP for this week, I'll be seeing you all on Friday for my first F.O (Finished On Friday) post! Have a great day everyone :)

4 thoughts:

  1. I love the blue color of the booties and mittens. Good luck with the crime scene. If I can't get a tangle fixed in 15 minutes, I bring out the scissors. Cruel but effective.

  2. Awesome colors! Yes, and as autumngeisha said, good luck with the tangled mess! Thanks for participating in WIPW! Oh, and unless you want separate links, no need to add a Mr Linky to your posts. Though I close mine the next day, they are still accessible afterward.

  3. Oh no! Yarn vomit is the worst! Sometimes there is no solution but scissors. I usually put in quite a lot of effort before it comes to that, but it depends on my mood. :)

    Your booties are so cute too!

  4. @autumngeisha: Thank-you :) I finally decided this morning to bring out the scissors, as I just can't bare looking at the yarn 'vomit' any longer.

    @Tami Klockau:

    Okay thanks! I just wasn't sure whether we all added one :) No problem! I love taking part in things like this!

    @LladyLlamaFiberCo: Thanks :) I just finished the mittens and booties last night, they're so cute xD


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a lovely, yarn filled day :D

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